Category Archives: Uncategorized

Sun 7 – Departure

Our last day is again cool as we collect our gear and our wits and say our farewells. A few have to leave early for Schiphol and air connections. The rest of us exchange tales of where we are headed … Continue reading

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Sat 6 – Amsterdam

Our last ride! At breakfast, the usual last-day comments fly around about how fast the days and kilometres have flown by. The ride back into Amsterdam is only a short one of a little over 20 kms. Still, by 9 … Continue reading

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Fri 5 May – the ride

Alkmaar welcomed us to another chilly morning. However we had a slightly later start than usual, as we headed out to see the cheese market at 9:30. [See also the earlier post for Fri 5 May.] We got there in … Continue reading

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Fri 5 – De Rijp, Purmerend

Cheese market Our flexible crew again modify our itinerary according to local events. Today is the traditional cheese market auction celebration in the Alkmaar town square. While this is essentially a tourist event, it nonetheless reproduces the scene that has … Continue reading

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Thu 4 – Alkmaar

In accordance with Murphy’s law, the week continues unseasonably cold and grey. However, the NE tailwind favours a reduced posse of riders as we leave our haven in Den Helder and the many historic ships around us for a 22 … Continue reading

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Wed 3 – Texel

A robust north-easter is forecast, but since we are doing a loop north then back south on the island of Texel, we care not — well not much. Three non-riders care not at all as they accompany riders on the … Continue reading

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Tu 3 – Den Helder

Adverse winds again cause modification to Plan A, which was originally to ride on to the North-West heading for Den Helder. Elodie leaves early, full complement on board, and sails through the open waters to Den Oever, the NE point … Continue reading

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Mon 2 – Hoorn, Enkhuisen

Grey and showery all day, it’s a long ride but the stops, widely spaced, not least a welcome bakery coffee in Oosthuizen, are enjoyable. Entering Hoorn, Nico suggests a stop at an excellent outdoor shop where riders can update or … Continue reading

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Sun 30 – Volendam

For most tours, this is the introductory day to settle in and test the bicycles. For us old hands already on board, Nico offers an additional ride of 22 kms to Edam and Volendam where Elodie will deploy after cleaning. … Continue reading

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Sat 29 – Amsterdam

Turns out the story of the little boy with his finger in the hole in the dyke to save the world was all made up! Still, people will believe anything if the yarn is good enough; so the young gentleman … Continue reading

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